List of Episodes

Season 1

No. overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Recorded Dates Air date
1 1 Pilot Ursa the Red Ursa the Red, TheKrimzonKnight, and The Queen 2016 Pending….

Thalia is a free spirit, living with her brother in New York. Having finished school, she realized the career path she had taken wasn’t for her, and has been trying to find her place since.

  • Zangetsu as Flight Instructor

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2 2 Tutu Ursa the Red Ursa the Red Pending…. Pending….

Having done ballet lessons as a child, and been rather good, Thalia tries to remember why she quit in the first place. Unable to, she auditions for a part in an upcoming ballet.

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3 3 Third Wheel Waitress Ursa the Red Ursa the Red Pending…. Pending….

Thalia has recently taken a job as a waitress. Alec takes a date to a nice restaurant.

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